Collection Status

*whole blood, urine, monocytes, erythrocytes, etc
Statistics criteria: As of Dec 31, 2021 [unit: vials]
Human bioresource Number of vials
Plasma 2,727,128
Serum 2,500,289
Tissue 833,041
Buffy coat 1,123,653
DNA 183,107
Others* 1,165,233
Total 8,532,451

※ 486,449 vials were collected in 2021.
Serum 117,553 vials, Plasma 152,591 vials, Buffy coat 78,940 vials, Tissue 32,361 vials, DNA 6,286 vials, Other 98,718 vials

※ 126,142 vials were collected for specialized diseases through the Biobank Characterization Support Project in 2021

  • 혈장(Plasma)
  • 혈청(Serum)
  • 조직(Tissue)
  • 연막(Buffy coat)
  • DNA
  • 기타(Other)
Statistics criteria: As of Dec 31, 2021) [unit: vials]
Disease Number of vials
Plasma 1,410,398
Serum 1,392,869
Tissue 134,794
Buffy coat 631,864
DNA 99,013
Others 610,633
Subtotal 4,279,571


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